

This version was saved 13 years, 11 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by David Bromage
on December 16, 2010 at 4:52:17 am



Hi everyone, the intent of this wiki is to compile a central list of current initiatives (and eventually "best practices") involving social media engagement by governments around the world. These can be internal or external, marketing, HR or IT, it doesn't matter. I even added a special "unofficial" category at the bottom of each page for all side initiatives. Let's see what we can come up with. Please keep your entries very high level and only fill out what you know. If you don't know the answer to one of the fields, leave it blank. If you see an error, please fix it! Should you have any questions or suggestions for improvement please email me here: mike(at)mikekujawski(dot)ca. Good luck! - Mike Kujawski


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Government 2.0 initatives
Tweeple directory


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